
Mainstream brand understand that retail is no longer just a transaction, it is an experience. Assist Marketing provides dependable and knowledgeable field staff to guide consumers on individual retail journeys. Activations within brick-and-mortar stores, malls and pop-up stores have included demonstrations, entertainment and product launch parties to celebrate major milestones for retailers. As an extension of the brand team, Assist Marketing can provide temporary staffing solutions when the demand for products and seasonal aspect (e.g. holiday) of retail drive sales and traffic. Assist Marketing staff helps brands capitalize on foot traffic by engaging with a captive audience and intercepting consumers during their daily shopping routines.

Want to work WITH Assist Marketing?
We can help with all your experiential marketing needs around the country. From brand ambassadors and event staffing to promotional models and trade show staffing, you can be sure to count on us.
Want to work FOR Assist Marketing?
Looking to be a promotional model and want to work for us? Register today.