
Assist Marketing is well-versed on some of the nuances that go along with technology clients and events. Clients don’t solely need enthusiastic brand ambassadors; they require educated, sometimes highly-trained, individuals who can knowledgeably speak about products and brands. The Assist Marketing team has an arsenal of tech experts who feel comfortable showcasing product demonstrations and highlighting differentiating features to consumers. When it comes to industry events, such as the Consumer Electronics Tradeshow (CES), Assist’s local and national talent have been leveraged to provide skilled personnel who can help establish relationships with technology consumers and decision makers.

Want to work WITH Assist Marketing?
We can help with all your experiential marketing needs around the country. From brand ambassadors and event staffing to promotional models and trade show staffing, you can be sure to count on us.
Want to work FOR Assist Marketing?
Looking to be a promotional model and want to work for us? Register today.